Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Fremantle and Freemantle - Odd Medieval Humour

After the utter confusion with "Black" in the previous post, I had to turn to Hank's and Hodges's A Dictionary of Surnames for something more straightforward. I finally found the English/Norman name Fremantle, also spellt Freemantle. I thought that I recognised the name, perhaps from some old novel, and I did not have I clue about its meaning.

The name originates from France, from one of the many small places called "Fromentel". This word then originates from the Old French "froid" - cold and "mantel" - coat. Then we have "cold mantel" which does not make sense. At least not until one is informed that the Old French used these words as a nickname for a forest. The logic is that the forest provided cover for the poor, that could not afford a real coat.
PS Picture from Shutterpoint.

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